Abortificient drug:
- Drug acting directly on
the uterus:
Ecbolics: Cause
contraction of pregnant uterus. Ergot, synthetic oestrogen, strychnine.
Emmenagogues: Produce
or increase the mentrual flow. eg. savin, borax, apiol, rue etc.
2. Irretants of genito-urinary tract
3. Irretants of GI tract
4. Drug having poisonous effects on the body
General violence:
- Intentional :

Violent exercise:
horse riding, cycling, jumping from a height, severe jolting as driving over
rough road, ruining upstairs & downstairs and carrying or lifting heavy wets.
Cupping: A mug is
turned mouth downwards over a lighted wick & placed on the hypogastrium and
the mug is pulled, which result in partial separation of the placenta. It is
usually practised in advanced pregnancy.
Very hot & cold
hip baths alternately.
2. Accidntal: Agenaral shake up in advanced pregnancy can produce
Syringing: Higginson,s
syringe type apparatus is used. Abortifacient fluid like soap water, tincture
iodine is pushed the uterus.
Rupturing of the
membranes: by introducing of an instrument, eg. a uterine sound, catheter,
prove, stick, pencil, penholder, umbrella rib, curtain rod, nail, hairpin,
piece of wire, glass rod, screwdriver etc.
Dilatation of the
cervix: by pessaries, laminaria or seatangle tent or obutator.
Abortion stick: A thin
wood or bamboo stick. 12-18 cm long.
Air insufflation: Air
is introduced into the vagina & uterus by various maens eg. pumps, syrings,
oro-genital contract etc.
- Electricity: the
negative pole is placed over the cervix in the posterior vaginal
cul-de-sac and positive over the sacrum or lumber vertebrae. When current
is passed, uterus contracts and may expel its contents.
- Curettage: Some criminal
abortions are producd by the dilatation & curettage under anaesthesia.
- Pastes: Uterine pastes
contain a soft soap & aromatic substances.