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Define Forensic Medicine, Aims And Branch of Forensic Medicine

Define Forensic Medicine:

It may be defined as a branch of medical science which deals with the application of knowledge of all branches of the medicine to aid in the administration of justice.
    Its aim is to elucite truth & help the court to give a correct judgment. It deals with the medical aspect of law.
Forensic medicine is that branch of medical science which deals with the application of knowledge each & every branch of medical science wherever it is required to take decision in legal affairs; both civil and criminal cases.

Aims of Forensic Medicine:

  1. To-aid the administration of justice by correlating much medical 
  2. knowledge and applying it to the purposes of law.
  3. Truth or the nearest reasonable approach to it that is possible from what is observed is the sole aim of Forensic Medicine.
  4. Its particular field of activity is judicial investigation, both civil and criminal.Though it does not itself prove the case of prosecution, it corroborates medical evidence in all cases of crime involving the person, e.g. homicide. suicide, assault, sexual offences, traffic accidents, poisoning etc.
  5. It finds out the medical evidence in all cases of crime involving the person.
  6. It deals with medical aspect of law.
Branches of Forensic Medicine:
  1. Forensic serology.
  2. Forensic osteology.
  3. Forensic pathology.
  4. Forensic hematology.
  5. Forensic radiology.
  6. Forensic psychiatry.
  7. Forensic obstetrics.
  8. Forensic gynecology.
  9. Forensic odontology.
  10. Forensic toxicology.
  11. Forensic ballistic.
  12. Forensic criminology.
  13. Forensic thanatology.
  14. Forensic dactylography.
  15. Forensic medical ethics.
  16. Forensic anthropology & anthropometry.